Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Revising of Evaluation roles in Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management

Mohammed Hasan Mohaqeq Moein

Faculty member of Imam Khomeini Higher Education Center



How does practice improve, and how can evaluation contribute to this improvement? Evaluation could have significant share in organizational development and knowledge management in associations. Both in management and science we are tackling with evaluation process. Art & science of evaluation have an authoritative to taking many roles in knowledge management growth in organizations. Evaluation approaches and techniques could function in production, empowerment, assessment and documentation of individual and organizational experience in society. In this article I develop some questions and answers in the file most intended for enlargement of knowledge management train via systematic evaluation influences in programs and organizations. Individuals and organizations dynamism is a phenomenon that dependence with their social engagements. Dynamism is a learning outcome. Individuals & organizations could learn from evaluation and with increase of agreement and certainty they could change their behaviors. Evaluation capacity buildings is an outcome of interrelated and interdepend elements of individual Evaluation Capacity and Sustainable Evaluation Practice in the context, interact and surroundings of culture for example Organization's Infrastructure- culture, leadership, communication, systems, Structures- .In historical typology of evaluation, grate evaluation researchers and developers discussed about four generations of evaluation: Measurement, Description, Judgment & Interpretive. I think evaluation filed and profession near to another generation of evaluation: THE FIFTH GENERATION EVALUATION: CAPACITY BUILDING.

Key words: Evaluation Capacity Building, Fifth Generation evaluation, Learning, individuals Evaluation Capacity, Sustainable Evaluation Practice, Organization's Infrastructure.

This article has been ACCEPTED by the scientific committee of the 2nd Iranian Knowledge Conference for Poster presentation. The 2nd Iranian Knowledge Management Conference gathers top researchers and practitioners from all over the world to exchange their findings and achievements on Knowledge Management. This Conference will feature invited keynote presentations, panels on topical issues, refereed paper presentations and workshops on new areas of knowledge management.

This event will take place in Jan. 30-31, 2010 at Razi Intl. Conference Center, Tehran, Iran. For more information go to:
